Host of the “Expedition Truth” Radio Program, Jack Ashcraft, on KCOR Digital Radio in the Las Vegas area, generously offered for Akribos author Dr. J. Michael Bennett to be a guest on his live radio show recently.

The fifty-two minute interview can be heard here. Rev. Ashcraft asked Dr. Bennett a lot of pointed questions on topics like illegal immigration and public assistance to the less fortunate, which is discussed in the early portions of his book as themes of the “other gospel” of talk radio and cable news that he points out, and their spirited discussion or debate did not cover a lot of the foundational historical information that bolsters his thesis of how Christian media was co-opted by Big Business in the mid-Twentieth Century, but Dr. Bennett hopes he will have me back to discuss some of that – let him know if you would like to hear the two of them explore the topics further on air (he said he would be procuring the book to go through it in more detail).  

Thanks so much for having Dr. Bennett on the show, Rev. Ashcraft!


Please check out Dr. Bennett’s latest book, Two Masters and Two Gospels, Volume 1: The Teaching of Jesus Vs. the “Leaven of the Pharisees” in Talk Radio and Cable News. It is available at Amazon in paperback, hard cover and Kindle, Barnes and Noble in paperback, hardcover, dust cover, and NOOK (Epub), Walmart in paperback and hardcover, Books a Million in paperback, hardcover and ebook form, at the UK Gardners book chain distributor in paperback and hardcover, and in ebook form at Apple Books, Kobo, and many other places. The BookBaby Bookshop also has a special deal, offering all three ebook versions (Kindle, EPUB and pdf) for one price, and with an email address left at checkout, he will send an additional special written work not available for sale. Links to audio interviews about the book and new announcements can be found at his personal book site,, and his publisher’s site,

Dr. Bennett also asks that you also pass one the word about his blog and his book(s) in your social media circles, on blogs and forums, Youtube and personal family, friend and church contacts, because that is the ONLY way this conversation on these supremely important topics of our spiritual destiny and decisions and actions of eternal consequence will continue and expand in wider circles, since he has no staff or other outfit focused on publicity or public relations to engage social circles and influencers he is unable to reach with his limits on promotional time, activities, capabilities, connections and venues. He asks you to work together with him to learn, grow and act in ever wider circles and influence, asking neglected and important questions, and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven, in our hearts, communities and societies!