Dr. Bennett, after much prodding and some deliberation, has decided for now to return to his roots and the radio airwaves! Radio Free Nashville, a radio station in Nashville, TN, is where Dr. Bennett began his public activity on spiritual matters, in his predecessor Future Quake show all the way back in 2005. The management have generously offered him a drive time 5 PM slot for one hour every Thursday. He will be covering the same contrarian, thought-provoking spiritual discussion as seen in his books and his “Two Spies” report blog, although as a secular station he will be focusing on more general religion-related background history, late breaking and contemporary events, and its broad spiritual implications to communities of faith and society in general.

More detailed theological discussions will be reserved for what Dr. Bennett hopes to do in developing a “Two Spies Report” Youtube channel, which (hopefully) will feature shortened videos of video footage recorded simultaneously with his radio show recordings, with some exclusive videos planned eventually for more detailed theological issues, and possibly an archived audio podcast version of his radio show. He is currently overwhelmed in researching and writing material and producing the radio show and video footage each week as a one-man content and production operation (and an aged, minimally-skilled one at that), so these other outlets will hopefully roll out as he gets his “sea legs” and a better handle on the manpower demands of its weekly production demands. One thing has not changed: he still feels his primary calling is his book writing, with many manuscripts near completion in the pipeline, and the scale of these additional outreach efforts will ultimately be scoped by their ability to accommodate his primary book-writing pursuits.

Any of you, anywhere even outside of Nashville (although the 103.7 FM signal covers all of metropolitan Nashville) can hear the show live each Thursday at 5 PM Central at the Radio Free Nashville (WRFN) streaming link, at www.radiofreenashville.org.

Radio Free Nashville is an all-volunteer, community low-power FM station (with an expanded reach across Nashville) that has brought independent, diverse community-based content not dictated by corporate conglomerates faithfully for eighteen years. Only at a place like WRFN can a show as unique as The Two Spies Report be broadcast over the airwaves, reaching commuters otherwise never exposed to the issues it raises, and not risk being “canceled” by social media strangers for unknown reasons, and without recourse, and thus is a public treasure. We are sure their fledgling but proud non-profit operation would appreciate any donations, large or small, from those who feel responsible to preserve independent, grass-roots perspectives and information over the public airwaves, even if the diversity of views reaches far beyond your own, but are authentic expressions of their neighbors; you can make a donation to support their efforts, and thank them for opening doors for content like the Two Spies Report, by donating right here: donation site

Please drop an email to Radio Free Nashville and thank them for hosting the Two Spies Report show, and load up those online streams and traffic during the show Thursday 5 PM Central time, to let them know you are all out there! Also stay tuned for the eventual rollout of a Youtube video and possibly podcast archive sites, to hear or watch any of these shows at your convenience, and forward them on to others!

Please check out Dr. Bennett’s latest book, Two Masters and Two Gospels, Volume 1: The Teaching of Jesus Vs. the “Leaven of the Pharisees” in Talk Radio and Cable News. It is available at Amazon in paperback, hard cover and Kindle, Barnes and Noble in paperback, hardcover, dust cover, and NOOK (Epub), Walmart in paperback and hardcover, Books a Million in paperback, hardcover and ebook form, at the UK Gardners book chain distributor in paperback and hardcover, and in ebook form at Apple Books, Kobo, and many other places. The BookBaby Bookshop also has a special deal, offering all three ebook versions (Kindle, EPUB and pdf) for one price, and with an email address left at checkout, he will send an additional special written work not available for sale. Links to audio interviews about the book and new announcements can be found at his personal book site, www.mikebennettbooks.com, and his publisher’s site, www.akribospress.com.

Dr. Bennett also asks that you also pass one the word about his blog www.twospiesreport.wordpress.com and his book(s) in your social media circles, on blogs and forums, Youtube and personal family, friend and church contacts, because that is the ONLY way this conversation on these supremely important topics of our spiritual destiny and decisions and actions of eternal consequence will continue and expand in wider circles, since he has no staff or other outfit focused on publicity or public relations to engage social circles and influencers he is unable to reach with his limits on promotional time, activities, capabilities, connections and venues. He asks you to work together with him to learn, grow and act in ever wider circles and influence, asking neglected and important questions, and expanding the Kingdom of Heaven, in our hearts, communities and societies!